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Join The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce, Bloomington, IN


Monroe County is one of about 3,141 counties and county equivalents in the United States. It has 394.3 sq. miles in land area and a population density of 349.9 per square mile. In the last three decades of the 1900s its population grew by 41.5%. On the most recent census form, 97.5% of the population reported only one race, with 3.3% of these reporting African-American. The population of this county is 2.9%
Hispanic (of any race). The average household size is 2.20 persons compared to an average family size of 2.90 persons.

In 2010 health care and social assistance was the largest of 20 major sectors. It had an average wage per job of $38,510. Per capita income grew by 9.9% between 1999 and 2009 (adjusted for inflation).

Bloomington, IN
People & Income Overview
(by place of Residence)
Population (2010 Census Count)137,974
Growth (%) since 199026.6%
Housholds (2010)54,864
Labor Fource (persons) (2010)69,430
Unemployment Rate (2010)7.3
Per Capita Personal Income (2009)$31,424
Median Household Income (2009)$26,061
Poverty Rate (2009)21.9
H.S. Diploma or More - % of Adults 25+ (2010 ACS 5yr)91.1
Bachelor's Deg. or More - % of Adults 25+ (2010 ACS 5yr)42.7
Industry Overview (2010)
(by Place of Work)
Covered Employment61,263
Avg wage per job$34,564
Manufacturing - % all jobs in County10.9%
Avg wage per job$43,027
Transportation & Warehousing - % all jobs in County1.6%
Avg wage per job$37,950
Health Care, Social Assist. - % all jobs in County13.7%
Avg wage per job$38,510
Finance and Insurance - % all jobs in County2.1%
Avg wage per job$40,007